Sunday, August 9, 2009

Intuitive Awareness

Qualifying Yourself in Intuitive Awareness

What is life to you? Life is Living. Do you know anything more than that? Do you live life simply to continue living? If you do then you force your habits around continuing living. If life is only about living, I must protect myself to keep living, I must get a comfortable house and car to keep living, and I must get a competitive job so i can continue living. Do you qualify to live?

You can't become human if you do not qualify yourself for living. Have you ever asked yourself this question?

How am I going to qualify myself today?

Ask yourself this question at the start of every day and you will start to find something to live for. You need to be for you, and you need to come through for yourself.

When you start to qualify your thoughts, you have a meditative mind. If you don't qualify your thoughts, you disqualify yourself to be human. As humans, we are born from the light. When we realize that we are light, we will become enlightened. Without conscious communication and intuitive awareness we can't know what we are saying. Say I. Say I, I, I. When you say I once you address yourself. I, I, I is a response to pain. When you say it you confuse your body and it looks for the pain, but there is none in the first place. This is just an example of how we trick our bodies with what we say.

You talk your misfortune yourself. You do not understand yourself, so you cause your misfortune out of you own mistake. You must qualify yourself as HUMAN. Until you do this, you are not you. You are simply pretending you be you, pretending to be human. Every lie you make to prove you are is making you less human. You will start feeling who you are when you qualify everything for yourself.


Those who know, say not

Those who say, know not

Do you qualify to eat at a restaurant? In America, one third of the food is always left uneaten on the plate and 20% of orders are always wrong. When you are qualified you are exact and precise. Then specialization and exactness comes out of you. Then comes wisdom. The moment you start being you, your problems start leaving you.

Saint – accept the will of creator

If there is no challenge in your life you have no life. We as humans are meant to be challenged.

This is the Kriya that accompanied the lecture.

Sit in an easy, cross-legged position. Make sure you have a straight back, chest out, chin tucked slightly down and in towards your chest. Sit like a good tall yogi. Take your right hand palm facing up. Bend your right elbow and tuck your elbow in towards your ribs. Right hand should be directed straight ahead of you about the height of your heart center. Cup your right hand slightly, it should not be flat. Take your left hand palm facing up and place the pinky side against your chest on your heart center. Apply some light pressure on your diaphragm with your left hand. When you have achieved this pose close your eyes and THOUGHTLESSLY meditate for 11 minutes. During this time we listened to the Guru Ram Das Chant. Breath should be the one minute breath. Which is 20 second inhale, 20 second hold, 20 second exhale, repeat. When 11 minutes is finished, inhale deeply and hold. While holding, press with great pressure on your diaphragm with the side of your left hand, and flex every other muscle in your body. Bring your focus of energy on the point of contact between your diaphram and your hand. Hold for 10 seconds and exhale. Repeat twice more, and relax.

"When you come to a thoughtless state, then the master mind and master thought starts serving you. Then man becomes God, and God becomes servant."

-Yogi Bhajan

These notes are based on a lecture given by Yogi Bhajan titled Qualifying Yourself in Intuitive Awareness in Los Angeles, CA on April 20, 1995. The video is Conscious Communication Part A Disk 2, and can be found on the KRI website.


  1. Aweseome Wonderful Blessed Thank You

  2. It is the practice of having a personal relationship with the Supreme Absolute. Yoga
